Michigan Chinese Classifieds Chinese Simplified(GB2312)
汽车维修中心 U.S 12 and U.S.23 BP Don Auto Tech Tel: (734) 538-0109
前卫装修工程设计公司 734-697-1228 917-279-4036 各类商业办公楼,商店,餐馆装修住宅内外装修,油漆,地下室装修厨房,浴室改装翻新,各样地砖,地板家庭影院,专业音响卡拉OK设计安装。本公司特别为您提供免费估价设计
世援工程公司 Tel:248-345-6886 (day) 248-777-7906(evening)
汽车维修 734-971-2334 fax:234-971-1213
先锋装修工程公司 248-318-0016 248-478-3313
金华厨具公司 313-387-3655 313-387-3670 260006 7mile Road Redford,MI48240
SW安装修理734-973-0783 Steven
霓虹灯装饰 郑柄权 248-398-3490 248-398-3494 Celluar phone 248-396-7791
refinish your basement for you! Best service with low price and fast speed, quality is guaranteed (1 year warranty). Very nice and responsible person. I can also help you to fix the major and minor problems of your house, and help you to build decks. (734)-222-0773, chendingw@yahoo.com ask for Mr.Wu.
联合装修工程公司 248-932-9786 5342 Deerfield Village DR, W.Bloomfield MI48322